Chestnut trees are a fruiting tree.
Like most all other fruiting trees, chestnut trees require proper
pollination to successfully set fruit. The ability of a fruiting tree
to set fruit and carry it to harvest is dependent on many conditions
to be met. For chestnuts these conditions are:
Healthy trees – stressed
trees are poor producers of chestnuts
Genetically capable of setting
fruit – some seedlings never produce fruit
Weather conditions during the
growing season
Available and viable male and
female flowers
Mature trees
Pollen available and viable during
the period the female flowers are receptive
Cross Pollination of Chestnut
Trees for Nut Production
Chestnut trees by themselves are not
self pollinating. In other words, a chestnut tree all by itself
usually will not produce any chestnuts with
the kernel filled in. This chapter attempts to explain the somewhat
complex subject of getting chestnut trees to successfully fruit with
mature, good tasting nuts. Chestnut trees can be grouped into four
groups as it pertains to pollination.
Pollen producers with viable
Pollen producers with sterile
Non pollen producing catkins (male
Non pollen producers having little
or no catkins
Only chestnut trees producing viable
pollen can pollinate other chestnut trees. Chestnut trees are
generally not able to pollinate themselves. Isolated chestnut trees
where pollen from other chestnut trees is not available rarely
produce any nuts with filled in kernels. So far this is a simple
example, one chestnut tree and no nuts, but it overlooks the
pollination rule for chestnut trees where a cloned chestnut cultivar
can not pollinate the same cloned cultivar. For example, a cloned
(grafted) Marival chestnut tree can not successfully pollinate
another Marival chestnut tree even though it produces an abundance of
viable pollen. This rule only applies to grafted cloned trees
pollinating their own clone. A seedling from a cloned tree tree can
pollinate its own cloned parent. One of the best ways to demonstrate this
pollination rule is with a simple logic representation of the rules. First
lets equate the letters CP as a cloned pollen producing chestnut tree
producing viable pollen. Then assign CN as a cloned chestnut tree that
does not produce pollen. In the logic equations the first trees in the
equation represents the female flower and the second tree is the male
catkin tree.
CN + CP = nuts on CN tree
CP + CN = no nuts on either tree
CP + CP = no nuts on either tree
CP + CN = no nuts on either tree
Now lets introduce a second pollinator
and identify the the two pollen producing trees as CP1 and CP2.
Chestnuts will be produced when the following conditions are present:
CP1 + CP2; CP2 + CP1; CN + CP1, CN +
CP2, CP2 + CP1
Casual observation shows that by
introducing a second pollinator the combination of nut producing
trees is dramatically increased. With the use of at least 2 chestnut
cultivars that produce viable pollen close enough to each other, all
the chestnut trees will have the potential to produce nuts. Aside
from just viable issues there is a timing issue also.
Pollination Timing in Chestnuts
Chestnut trees can start blooming in
the northern hemisphere as early as May and the bloom can continue
until the first part of August depending on local climate conditions
and latitude. The farther north the trees, the later they will bloom. The male
flowers (catkins) usually start blooming within a day or two of the female
flowers on the same tree. It is possible to have two different chestnut trees
with both producing viable pollen, but due to bloom time differences, the
pollination of the female flowers fails and no nut set occurs. Apple
pollination is similar with the exception of the male and female flowers bloom
at the same time (the male and female parts are present in each blossom). The
similarity referred to here is where the apple is not self fertile so another
type of apple with the same flowering period must be present to provide pollen
for successful fruit set. Apples have 5 groups of pollination periods. These
periods are 1)Early; 2) Early-mid; 3) Mid; 4) Mid-late; and 5) Late.
Because chestnut trees bloom for a
longer period than apples, only 3 periods are needed to group
chestnuts into. These periods are 1) Early; 2) Mid; and 3) Late. Most
chestnut trees begin blooming in one period and continue into the
next period. For example, Marival begins blooming (catkins release
pollen or female flowers become receptive) early and continue
blooming into the late period.
Chestnut tree cultivars that release
their pollen in the late period can not be used as pollinators for
early and mid period blooms. Marrone chestnut trees are one of the
last chestnut trees to release their pollen but the female flowers
have been receptive for up to 2 weeks. This period where the female
flowers are receptive is difficult to predict because it is weather
dependent. If the weather is too cool for the female flowers to be
receptive of pollen during the receptive period, pollination will fail.
The best way to demonstrate this is with a time line. In this time line
example the overlaps are the important areas to understand. Lets say
chestnut cultivar EC is a pollinator that starts releasing pollen the
mid part of the early period and continues into the first week of the
late period. On a time line it would look like
this on a 6 week time line:
![Chestnut Tree Bloom Time Line](images/ECBloom.jpg)
Now lets add the late blooming LC
chestnut cultivar to the time line.
![Chestnut Tree Bloom Time Line](images/BloomTimes.jpg)
The BW period is a period where the
weather is not supportive of pollination of the chestnut female
flowers. In this example the EC chestnuts will not successfully set
fruit. Also, because LC releases its
pollen too late for the EC
female flowers, the LC can not be used as a pollinator for the EC
chestnut trees.
Lets go from theoretical to practical
with some real data. The data comes from Missouri State University
Agroforestry Department. The data is collected from their research
facility in New Franklin, MO. A Chinese hybrid Dustin chestnut tree
on average starts its female flower bloom on June 8 each year. The
female flower on average ends it bloom on June 24. The male flower on
average starts its bloom on June 7 and ends flowering on July 4. When
selecting a matching chestnut tree to pollinate the Dustin, the bloom
times need to overlap at least by 5-7 days. A Qing is a excellent
match for the Dustin. The Qing chestnut tree starts the female bloom
on average on June 8 and ends on June 24. The male flower on average
starts on June7 and ends on July 4. Both the Dustin and the Qing are
Chinese hybrid chestnut trees.
Now lets look at some European and
compare the bloom times in New Franklin, MO with data from Northwest
Washington state. One of the most popular chestnut trees grown in the
Western USA is the Colossal. It is pollen sterile so there is no male
bloom period to compare. The female bloom time starts on average on
May 31 and stops on June 22 at the Franklin farm. In NW WA the female
flower bloom period starts about July 2 and ends July 27. A good
pollinator for the Colossal is Marigoule. In Franklin the Marigoule
male flower starts on average June 3 and ends on June 28. This
provides almost 3 weeks of overlap in the pollination period. Because
the Colossal is pollen sterile the Marigoule will not set any nuts
unless another pollen producing chestnut tree is introduced.
So what must
a chestnut farmer do to make sure the chestnut trees on the
farm produce a full set of chestnuts? There are two simple possible
solutions. The first is to grow at least two different chestnut trees that
share the same pollination periods and both produce viable pollen. The other
solution is to plant several chestnut cultivars that produce pollen
over all three pollen periods. This is what we call “covering
your bases”. Based on the data collected at the Franklin, MO
farm, the main issue with successful chestnut set is growing chestnut
trees that produce viable pollen that can cross pollinate each other.
In Northwest Washington state pollination timing is more complicated because
some chestnut cultivars such as Maronni and Belle Epine bloom much later than
commonly used pollinates such as Okie and Precoce Migoule. One last thing, no
matter what type of chestnut tree you grow (American, Chinese, Japanese,
European, and all of their hybrids), if it produces viable pollen, it is
capable of providing pollen to any other chestnut tree.
Evaluating the Pollination of
Chestnut Trees
How do you know if the chestnut trees
are getting pollinated properly or not? The evaluation of the
pollination success rate is directly related to the chestnut kernels
getting filled in fully. If most of the nuts in the burrs are blanks
(have no kernel meat) then pollination failure is the most likely
cause. Most chestnut trees produce 2 or 3 nuts per burr. If the
pollination is successful all the nuts in the burr will be filled in.
If pollination was only partially successful then one or more of the
nuts in the burr will not be filled in.
When there is a complete pollination
failure, the burrs could have anywhere from
the normal number of nuts in them but are all blanks, to as many as 7
or 8 blank nuts in each burr. This condition happens when the
chestnut trees are healthy,
have the right amount of moisture in the soil but the weather was too
cold for nut set.
To produce a nice crop of chestnuts, a
chestnut farmer has to make sure there is enough viable pollen
present at the right time, the chestnut trees are not stressed, and
the day time high temperatures are above 68 degrees F. Having the
wind blow from the right direction or having insects move the pollen
at the right time is also helpful too. The simplest approach to
reducing the risk of pollination failure is to plant several pollen
producing chestnut trees that cover all 3 periods of the chestnut
bloom period.